
Roadmap to Web development

Research an unfamiliar topic from the video and write a detailed blog post about your findings.

I chose “Intermediate CSS” as my unfamiliar topic. I learned from codecademy.com that with intermediate CSS, I can learn how to implement elegant transitions, create new layouts, and serve users with dynamic needs.  To do this, I will need to learn the following: layout with Flexbox, grid, CSS transitions, responsive design, variables and functions, accessibility, and browser compatibility. I especially find their end-of-chapter cheat sheets very useful and easy to follow. Next, I went to the website theodinproject.com. They deliver more essential details about intermediate CSS concepts. Such as default styles, advance selectors, custom properties, and frameworks & preprocessors. With this knowledge, I’ll be able to recreate the dynamism and the visual effects that I see on professional sites around the web. Then, I went to htmldog.com for a simpler and clearer explanation of related topics. They have great HTML and CSS references and techniques on various topics. Lastly, I went to w3wchools.com because their interactive and comprehensible learning experience is a one-stop shop for hands-on learning. They provide a visual example, CSS templates to modify, save, and share, exercises that supply immediate answers, and quizzes that test your overall knowledge.

What I gained from all of the above is that mastering the concepts of cascading, specificity, and selectors will advance my learning. In addition, mastering how structure relates to style will make coding smoother. Practicing and experimenting will also help to gain knowledge and confidence. Having a basic understanding and going over topics assist me in knowing where to implement something I learned earlier.


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